The MESIS team in Italy to plan the Outsport E-learning course


The meeting 

After the Capacity Building Sessions (CBS) were organised in Rome, Ljubljana and Lisbon, The MESIS team met once again in Italy, this time in the seaside location of Misano Adriatico, in order to work on the MESIS Outsport e-learning course. 

From August 29th to September 1st, project partners reunited to fine tune the soon to be launched MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), e-learning contents in 8 different languages, specially designed for sports operators, coaches, mental trainers, PE teachers, and educators who directly work in the field. This meeting was also about to plan the pilot events foreseen for 2025, as well as to explore new opportunities and follow-ups.

Good practices 

Misano Adriatico is also the place of the first genderless locker room in a national completion for Italy, launched in 2022 for the skating tournament and showcased in the Good practice report of the E+ SGS project. 

The hosts 

Hosted by the AiCS Rimini Provincial Committee, these days have also provided an opportunity to catch parts of the 16-day-long 48th edition of Verde Azzurro, the AiCS National Figure Skating competitions. More than 3.000 participants, including athletes, technical staff, and accompanying personnel, from 174 AiCS-affiliated clubs across 14 different regions, as well as from the Republic of San Marino, got together and amazed the cheering crowd.

A huge thank you goes to Claudio Faragona, President of AiCS Emilia-Romagna and National Coordinator for Figure Skating, AiCS Rimini Vice-President Gabriel Corbelli and Francesca Iaria (AiCS National Figure Skating Commission), as well as the staff who made sure the MESIS team had everything they needed during these days!


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