The research

In this page you can find the final publications of the Erasmus + Outsport project (2017-2019).  The complete folder is also available at this link 

Outsport – Innovative and educational approaches to prevent violence and tackle discrimination in sport based on sexual orientation and gender identity,  was a co-founded project by the European Commission project within the framework of the Erasmus Plus Sport Program. Partners of Outsport are AICS  – Italian Association for Sport and Culture (Coordinator, Italy), DSHS– German Sport University (Germany), LEAP Sports Scotland – Leadership, Equality and Active Participation (Scotland),VIDC– Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation (Austria), FRIGO– Organization for fresh Ideas  (Hungary).

Research report – Final recommendations


National reports

Final Conference

Conference Program
Overview of project Outcomes 
Final Recommendations to the Working Party on Sport of the Council of the European Union

Research – The first EU-wide survey based on direct experiences of LGBTI people.

The Institute of Sociology and Gender Studies of the German Sport University Cologne was in charge of the scientific research (  and was coordinated by  Prof. Dr. Ilse Hartmann-Tews, Birgit Braumüller e Tobias Menzel. More than 5,500 lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people from all 28 EU countries completed the online survey. Almost 90% of respondents consider homophobia and particularly transphobia in sport a current problem. 20% refrain from participating in a sport of interest due to their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. 16% of respondents who are currently active in any sports have had at least one negative personal experience in the last 12 months that was related to their sexual orientation or gender identity. The share is higher among trans people – especially among trans women (46%).

Based on these survey findings, umbrella organisations and federations from the 5 projects countries have been interviewed about their strategies in tackling homo-/transphobic discrimination in the field of sport. These data have been used to produce 5 specific focus booklets for each country (Austria, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Scotland) with local highlights and recommendations to their national sport institutions.

Education – A pedagogical toolkit to address LGBTI inclusion in and through sport

Outsport aims to promote a new inclusive training approach: apart from contrasting homophobia and transphobia in sport, Outsport strives to make sport a tool to educate against any form of exclusion and a chance to develop social competencies. On this front, the second main outcome is the publication of the Outsport Toolkit, a manual for those working in sport and education with exercises and practices tested during the project and based on the Non-Formal Education through Sport methodology (

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