Outsport Training of Trainers: outcomes and future

The Outsport trainer team was in Budapest from 5th to 9th October for the International Training of Trainers, a specific training course based on non formal education through sport with a specific focus on sexual orientation and gender identity issues.
12 participants have been selected within Outsport partners: from Aics (Italy), Leap (Scotland), Vidc (Austria) and from Frigo (Hungary).
The main goal is creating new educational tools for sport operators: from athletes and coaches, up to sport institutions, in order to develop safe sport environments in which every participant can feel fully respected regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity.
This course is a concrete step to make sport itself an educational tool to tackle this kind of discrimination in the society and it aims to develop new national training projects. Exercises and group activities have been carried out in order to make participants in someone else shoes and reflect about facts.
As stated in the project presentation, the approach is to challenge homophobia and sexism in sports as phenomena regarding the whole population: even if they affects directly Lgbti people, such prejudices are strongly grounded on gender stereotypes and play a crucial rule in bullying and other hate crimes.
Finally, this kind of training aims at showing that a real inclusion plays a decisive role in team building and sport results achievement.