European Sport’s Week
The European Sport’s Week started on the 23rd of September. The initiative, at its third edition, was launched by the European Commssion to promote sport activities and active life styles, and to improve helth among Euorpean population.
Heath enahncing physical activity (HEPA) is a key factor for healthy life styles, for general psyco-phisical welfare and essential tool to prevent many cardiovascular, bones, obesity, respirtaroy problems.
This initiative its a direct development of the engagemant on sport that had its turning point with the White Paper of Sport lanched by the European Commission in 2007 and the launch of European Work Plan for Sport 2011-2014, 2014-2017, 2017-2020
According to Rosario Coco, Outsport project coordinator: “The latest European Work Plan for Sport, just approved, has a focus on gender equality. That’s not enough. Our goal is to have a clear commitment against omophobic and transphobic discrimination, because, as even the Treaties say sport has a social and educational function. We call to inlude sexual orientation and gender identity in the next European Plan”.