DSHS – Deutsch Sporthochschule Köln (German Sport University of Cologne)
The DSHS (Germany) is the only university in Germany that is dedicated exclusively to the world of sport and exercise science. It offers five bachelor programmes (leisure studies, exercise & training, management & communication, sport journalism, health & disability studies), six master programmes (sport management, sport gerontology, sport tourism, sport & media, biomechanics, sport and technology), three teacher training degrees as well as doctoral programmes.
The DSHS has about 4.000 students, comprises 20 institutes with 30 professors, about 400 people in the academic staff and 400 persons working in the service departments.
Research covers many aspects – all-pertaining to sport and exercise and covering medical research and exercise sciences as well as sociology and paedagogy. The orientation of the research projects
is disciplinary as well as interdisciplinary and covers various forms from basic research to applied research.
The Institute of Sociology & Gender Studies at the German Sport University is headed by Prof. Dr. Ilse Hartmann-Tews and comprises 10 members in the academic staff. It has developed a focus on comparative studies, inequality and gender issues in research as well as in its teaching profile. The Institute is responsible for the course programme of ‘Cultural heterogeneity and diversity manageing’ which is obligatory course module for all BA students.
Prof. Dr. Ilse Hartmann-Tews and her colleague Dr. Bettina Rulofs are head of a project on child protection and the prevention of sexual violence in organised sport that is funded by the German Ministry of Science & Education (2015-2017) with The German Sport Youth (Germany’s umbrella organisation for youth sport) being the official cooperation partner. They are preparing an educational booklet on ‘Fairness in Sport’ funded by the German Olympic Sport Organisation (DOSB), including chapters homophobia and diversity. (www.dshs-koeln.de)
The Institute has been involved in three EU-projects related to the applied topic:
- VOICE: Voices for truth and dignity – combatting sexual violence in European sport through the voices of those affected (lead by the DSHS, Institute of sociology and gender studies) 01/2016 – 06/2018
- Sport respects your rights: empowering young Europeans in sport for a culture of respect and integrity (led by Sportunion Austria, DAPHNE III); 04/2013 – 03/2015
- Prevention of sexualized violence in Sports – Impulses for an open, secure and sound sporting environment in Europe (led by the German Sport Youth, sport preparatory actions ); 01/2012 – 04/2013

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